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On display throughout the cafe is original art and photography I've collected over the years while in business. Many of the pieces were used as part of the set design for the cafe shots in the "John From Cincinatti" series and were graciously given to me after production ceased, by the series creator, David Milch. The rest of the collection is from local talented artists, many of whom have become my loyal customers over the years. Enjoy! —Katy Fallon

Lynn 1
Artist: Jim Lynn
Oil on canvas

Plank Inn
Artist: Jim Lynn
Watercolor on paper

Wave 2
Artist: Helen Church
Oil on canvas

Artist: Jim Lynn
Oil on canvas

Off the Lip
Artist: Terry Gillard
Oil on canvas

Ye Old Plank Inn
Artist: Jim Lynn
Oil on canvas

Wave 1
Artist: Helen Church
Oil on canvas

Artist: Chuck Giles
Watercolor on paper

IB PIerArtist: Jim Lynn
Watercolor on paper

Artist: Helen Church
Oil on canvas

Imperial Beach
Artist: Chuck Giles
Acrylic on paper

Walk on Water
Artist: Chuck Giles
Acrylic on paper

Artist: Velma Fonseca
Oil on canvas



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